Monday, November 12, 2007

Sibling Road Trip: Holla! The Series

The Northern California Coast

We were nearing the end of the trip. Within striking distance of home, everyone was a little bit on edge and quite reading to be home. However, we were not opposed to some inspired stops, including one we made at an unknown beach just off of the 101 north of Eureka.

Michael got a little souvenir from the gift shop upon his release.

Once out of our car we did the typical scavenging for skipping stones and proceeded to chunk them out into the sea. Michael and Sarah poked around for stones to bring home to Mom's ever growing rock collection.

Flinging stones into the abyss.

We soon realized that it was low tide, and we could run very far out into the surf before large waves came rolling in. The tide was so far out that we could see a big drop off where large swells would break hard and make a wonderful display.

So of course I had to take off my shoes and run straight for it.

Stupid is as stupid does.

You can guess what happens next.


BriannaNjaa said...

Just curious...your profile says you're female...

Rory Corbin said...

Funny! I never noticed until now. As in March of 2010. Whoops. Gender realigned to reality.